The Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

The ‘Highly Sensitive Person’ refers to individuals who possess a heightened sensitivity to environmental stimuli, emotional ‘vibes’ and social dynamics, and was popularised by Dr. Elaine Aron in the 1990s. Sensitivity is not a weakness, if anything it is a unique trait that can bring depth, empathy and insight. In this blog, I will talk about what it means to be a HSP (not a Halal Snack Pack) but a Highly Sensitive Person. I will discuss the challenges that one might face, strategies to thrive, and how to consider the strengths of this trait.

The easiest way I like to think of it is, HSPs are like an emotional sponge that soaks everything up. But maybe some key traits below can be helpful to understand further.

Key Traits

Deep processing of experiences and emotions, often leading to having profound insights and reflections.

Emotional reactivity from feeling emotions intensely. This could include their own and those of others around them, making them very empathetic and understanding.

Sensitivity to stimuli such as sensory inputs like bright lights, loud noises, or chaotic environments.

Strong awareness of subtlety such as being able to pick up changes of mood, underlying tension, being able to read between the lines and picking up on vibes.

Overstimulation can occur as HSPs become easily overwhelmed by busy, emotionally charged and intense situations.

Strategies to Thrive

  1. Embrace your sensitivity. It can be a true gift as your deep emotional responses and insight can create meaningful connections and creativity.

  2. Establish boundaries. Learn to say ‘no’ when you are overwhelmed and do not want to take part in something (i.e., social events) and use that time to recharge and maintain your health. We also need to value how our deep sensitivity can bring to a friendship and recognise if we are giving more than we can receive. We are what we would like to receive and that is okay.

  3. Create a soothing environment by having a personal space that you find safe, calming and comforting. This could include soft lighting, soothing sounds, favourite smells and particular colours.

  4. Practice mindfulness and self-care like meditation, yoga or journalling. This allows you to regulate your emotions, have a place to express the overwhelm and prevent burnout.

  5. Connect with like-minded people and educate those around you

Being a highly sensitive person comes with its unique set of challenges and gifts. By understanding your sensitivity and adopting strategies to thrive, you can navigate life with greater ease and confidence. Embrace your sensitivity—it’s a powerful aspect of who you are. Remember, the world needs your unique perspective and heartfelt connection now more than ever.




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